James Ellroy


Everyman's Library

The Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy, Volume II

Blood's A Rover

cover image of the book The Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy, Volume II
Buy The Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy, Volume II

Blood’s A Rover takes us into the seventies. MLK and RFK are dead. The Democratic National Convention in Chicago has spawned chaos. There’s a punk-kid private eye in L.A. He’s clashing with a mob goon and an enforcer for J. Edgar Hoover. There’s an armored-car heist and a cache of missing emeralds. There’s bad voodoo in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Amidst it all is a revolutionary, Joan Rosen Klein. The kid P.I., the mob goon, and Hoover’s enforcer love her unto death. Blood’s A Rover gives us the private nightmare of public policy on an epic scale.

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cover image of the book The L.A. Quartet cover image of the book The Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy, Volume I