
Los Angeles Times Robert Kirsch Award for lifetime excellence in writing about the American West!!!!!
Dear Ellroyphiles and occasional viewers of this website:
I'm gassed to the gills this morning, kats and kittens. I just got the word that I will receive the Los Angeles Times Robert Kirsch Award for lifetime excellence in writing about the American West. The Deliriously Downscale Demon Dog has gone uptown. This is a biiiiiiiiiig mainstream honor. I'll pluck my plaque and give a riotously ripsnorting speech at USC's boss Bovard Auditorium on the nite of Friday, April 21. I'll be performing at the Times book fair on the USC campus the following day. Scope the L.A. Times website for the dizzying dish on the Kirsch Awards and the book fair. This honor has me heroically humbled. I should note Golda Meir's withering quote: “Don't be so humble—you're not that great.”
God bless you. And—as always—thanXXX for reading my books and perusing my website. April in L.A.—I'll see you there.